SilverDonia 1:18 pm

North Shore & Cat’n on the Fox show 3/24-3/25/2012 Chicago
by SilverDonia | Mar 29, 2012
We had so much fun at our local show this weekend. Our 4 month baby shaded silver Persian kitten Amir competed with the big kittens making two finals including 2nd BEST AB kitten! Thank you judge Loretta Baugh! ... SilverDonia 7:07 pm

MoKan cat show 3/10/2012 Kansas
by SilverDonia | Mar 13, 2012
Shaded silver Persian kitten Al-Amir attended his second show this weekend and did great for being so far away from home! It was so nice to see friendly faces again and to meet new ones : ) Thanks to all the judges for their finals including best kitten!! ... SilverDonia 9:38 pm

Midwest TGIF Fanciers cat show 3/3-3/4/2012 Al-Amir’s first show!! Indianapolis
by SilverDonia | Mar 6, 2012
Simbakui Al-Amir of Silverdonia aka “Prince” attended his first show this weekend at 4 months & 2 days old. He had a great first experience making 4 finals and 2 best of breed wins! Thanks to Tracy Smith who traveled with my son and I for his first...