SilverDonia 9:51 pm

Persian kittens for sale born 5/30/2012!!
by SilverDonia | Jun 5, 2012
Sultan and Koko had 5 adorable healthy Persian kittens May 30! (not available) The kids have decided to name them after the kungfu panda 2 movie. One red cameo tabby and white boy, 2 silver torbie &... SilverDonia 7:01 pm

Silver Tabby Persian Kitten Tigress (Adopted!)
by SilverDonia | Jun 27, 2012
Not available. Tigress is an adorable silver tabby Persian kitten, her coat may continue to lighten as she grows but will retain the distinctive tabby marks of a silver Tabby! For more information about Tigress click here. 8 weeks old!... SilverDonia 6:29 pm

Silver Tabby Persian Kitten Po (Adopted!)
by SilverDonia | Jun 27, 2012
Po is a silver tabby Persian kitten, his coat may continue to lighten as he grows but will retain the distinctive tabby marks of a silver Tabby! ...