CHampion EZ2LUV Taneska of Silverdonia

Chinchilla Silver Female

Parents: EZ2Luv Mariah Carey-Me X EZ2Luv “Rio” Cute Romeow

Special thanks to Karen Claybin for trusting me with this amazing girl!  I am honored to have such a sweet and loving lap kitty, Taneska has the most beautiful enormous blue/green eyes, jet black liner, deep brick red nose leather, tiny ears, short cobby body and is easily one of my all time favorite cats!  I am very blessed Karen trusted me with her lines before retiring, thank you!

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pedigree <— click


Video of Taneska at 2 years & 1 month old:

click—-> taneska 2 years 1 month



2 years 6 months

2 years 6 months



2 yr

2 years






Taneska & son

tan 2yr2mnths

2 years & 2 months











Taneska on the left with my 4 year old niece

Taneska on the left with my 4 year old niece

















Tan abd girls dec2015

Taneska with my nieces