aka “Prince” the “Toe ninja”
*Now living with Sylvie Machu in France since summer of 2013*
More links at the bottom chronicling some of the shows during my delightful and extensive time showing him (as a kitten) to his regional win in 2012/2013! Featured among the top kittens in my region, the Midwest: http://cfamidwest.org/topkits2012_2013.html
We are pleased to announce our newest addition to our family! Thank you Tracy & David once again for trusting us with another adorable baby.
Shaded silver male. Sire: CH Simbakui Optimus Prime X Dam: CH Kittikamir Divine Inheritance dob: 11/1/2011
DNA results: Amir DNA <–Click
Pedigree <——Click

after bathing 🙂